Listening User's Agreement:
These audio files are for your personal relaxation, self-exploration and inner transformation. These sound recordings may be helpful augmentation to your spiritual or energetic practices, but they are not meant to treat any underlying medical or psychological conditions and should not replace appropriate treatment if needed.
Please listen to the recordings in a responsible manner: do not listen while driving or in other situations requiring focus and alertness.
These audio recordings are copyrighted intellectual property. They are for your personal listening use only.
These audio files are for your personal relaxation, self-exploration and inner transformation. These sound recordings may be helpful augmentation to your spiritual or energetic practices, but they are not meant to treat any underlying medical or psychological conditions and should not replace appropriate treatment if needed.
Please listen to the recordings in a responsible manner: do not listen while driving or in other situations requiring focus and alertness.
These audio recordings are copyrighted intellectual property. They are for your personal listening use only.
Sound Byte Files
These recordings were made spontaneously, when circumstances urged me to make some sound for myself, often during my own meditation time. Like the sound journeys elsewhere on this website, these recordings reflect my spiritual alignment with the Great Mother, mostly through Lady Nada, Quan Yin and the deep Earth voices of the Ananzi (Spiderwoman). The spoken languages bring in more light and healing. Sometimes I felt compelled to repeat phrases, like a mantra. Usually it was immediately apparent what the benefit was for me (on my energy body, emotions, or understanding/perspective-taking). They remain helpful to me, sometimes remarkably so. In case they may be helpful to you, I am sharing them here. Some may not have any effect for you (we don't all need the same tools!). Listeners have described these sounds with varying effects ranging from simply 'pleasing' to gently helpful to their energetic practice in specific ways.
You are welcome to listen to them here for free.
You are welcome to listen to them here for free.
Release and Clear
In our day to day life, we tend to unconsciously pick up energies from our environment and other people. This sound recording will support a clear, easy letting go of energies you no longer wish to host.
In our day to day life, we tend to unconsciously pick up energies from our environment and other people. This sound recording will support a clear, easy letting go of energies you no longer wish to host.
Healing After Cruelty
As an example of conflict, the energy of projected cruelty can elicit a quite severe-feeling response in our bodies and minds, a kind of energetic 'withering'. This sound supports recovering and reorientation to self-love and inner confidence after such an experience. You will hear birds singing in the background, a nice addition to this recording, and a great reminder of the healing support of Nature.
As an example of conflict, the energy of projected cruelty can elicit a quite severe-feeling response in our bodies and minds, a kind of energetic 'withering'. This sound supports recovering and reorientation to self-love and inner confidence after such an experience. You will hear birds singing in the background, a nice addition to this recording, and a great reminder of the healing support of Nature.
Clearing all Delusions about "Enemies"
When relationships are really challenging, we may consciously or unconsciously maintain a belief that 'they' are our enemies. In my experience, firm and loving boundaries are absolutely essential, and does not include an inner stance of 'enemy' which simply poisons us from the inside. If forgiveness or resolution has been slow, this can be especially hard. This sound recording addresses those subtle (or not so subtle) beliefs you may hold in a way that allows you to move forward without those 'delusions' keeping you mired in conflict.
When relationships are really challenging, we may consciously or unconsciously maintain a belief that 'they' are our enemies. In my experience, firm and loving boundaries are absolutely essential, and does not include an inner stance of 'enemy' which simply poisons us from the inside. If forgiveness or resolution has been slow, this can be especially hard. This sound recording addresses those subtle (or not so subtle) beliefs you may hold in a way that allows you to move forward without those 'delusions' keeping you mired in conflict.
Our One Spirited Nature
This sound supports a deeper understanding of cultivating peace within, and the essence of our True Selves from a grounded and wise perspective that recognizes the love and divine nature in all things.
This sound supports a deeper understanding of cultivating peace within, and the essence of our True Selves from a grounded and wise perspective that recognizes the love and divine nature in all things.
Opening to Spirit
This sound recording supports your own connection to your Higher Self, and to your personal Spiritual resources.
This sound recording supports your own connection to your Higher Self, and to your personal Spiritual resources.
In Office, Self-healing Crown and Above
This recording is one of my favorite examples of how offering sound for yourself can be such a soothing retreat from everyday life. I made this recording in my hospital office as a break from a stressful day. You can occasionally hear background sounds (e.g., of the construction in the parking lot, or hallway conversations)---life was going on around me, but it didn't stop me from creating the space I needed to sing for myself. The song has a lovely clearing and grounding effect. |